

Science Vision

To provide each and every one of our naturally curious learners with purposeful, inspiring and enjoyable practical experiences in Science, that fully engage them in building securely and precisely upon their knowledge, skills and understanding.

Developed by children, staff and governors of Fens Primary School                                                 (Reviewed September 2022)



Our Science Curriculum Intent

In Fens School, pupils are given appropriate learning opportunities so that they develop the skills needed to be active citizens within an increasingly scientific world. Science is a powerful and useful tool through which children’s understanding of the world around them is carefully developed.  It is our intent to create a challenging environment that raises standards of achievement in Science through high quality teaching and learning. Pupils build up their scientific skills and knowledge, developing the necessary ability to investigate, question and understand scientific concepts (See Science Learning Journey). 

Our intent is to:

  • Strive to be an ‘Evidence Informed’ school, taking into account the important role different forms of evidence can play in improving our school Science curriculum through informing decision making and implementation practices that continually work to improve the outcomes of teaching and learning.

In order to achieve this goal, we will:

  • Engage with a wide range of research, related to both science and wider teaching and learning
  • Explore areas of school practice that can be improved and clearly define them for all school stakeholders
  • Prepare clear school development plans that outline how implementation activities and resources will be deployed to meet the intended outcomes
  • Deliver and Adapt implementation strategies, monitoring their effectiveness through developed school systems and a flexible and collaborative peer-to-peer approach to school improvement
  • Sustain and scale successful implementation practices to ensure they are embedded. 
  • Develop children’s awareness of their ability to self-regulate and think about their learning by sustaining and promoting the school’s metacognition agenda, in order to develop metacognitive strategies in conjunction with building a progressive understanding of scientific concepts.
  • Offer a wide range of opportunities for pupils to work scientifically, developing their disciplinary knowledge, through:
    • observing ‘real life’ phenomena, including a range that are relevant to them
    •  asking and answering their own questions about the world around them
    • designing of different types of scientific enquiry (becoming increasingly controlled as children progress through the school)
    • drawing of meaningful conclusions through critical reasoning and the evaluation of evidence, leading to – where appropriate – further questions and evidence gathering.
  • Give pupils a knowledge and understanding of scientific processes through purposeful ‘hands on’ experiences.
  • Develop a progressive understanding of scientific ideas, facts and data deepened by the role of questioning in Science.
  • Offer children accurate, timely feedback – both verbally and written – that promotes deeper learning for each individual.
  • Prepare pupils for living in an increasingly scientific and technological world.
  • Foster concern for our environment.
  • Develop each pupil’s self-confidence and social skills so that they can work both independently and co-operatively.
  • Establish an understanding of Science skills in real contexts by the reading and construction of graphs, diagrams, charts and tables using accurate measurements and observations.
  • Encourage imaginative and original thinking and reasoning.
  • Provide opportunities for each pupil to develop their skills in order to reach their potential.
  • Have high expectations of the vocabulary children are using to explain their science reasoning.
  • Offer a growing range of Science experiences beyond the classroom.
  • Maintain a ‘growth mindset’ that ensures Science at Fens never stands still – we always look for ways to improve the outcomes for everyone in our school.

How we implement our Science Curriculum

See Science learning journey below.

How we measure the impact of our Science Curriculum

Assessment and Monitoring (Including Assessment for Learning through verbal and written feedback)

  • Assessment follows the guidelines in the Assessment Policy and is part of the school’s self evaluation process. It is based on the appropriate levels of attainment and is linked to learning objectives and learning outcomes. It is carried out to monitor pupils’ progress and achievements and ensure that individual pupil needs are being met.
  • At the beginning of each science unit, year group teams look at the key skills and vocabulary of the medium term planning objectives which needs to be incorporated into planning, adapting activities for their own cohort, taking into account all potentially vulnerable groups. Rising Star assessment tests are carried out in Year 1 to Year 6 in order to add to the teachers’ understanding of prior knowledge and to give the children an opportunity to develop their written responses to science questions.
  • Ongoing assessments inform weekly planning and individual lesson delivery. Teachers regularly offer children timely feedback both verbally and through written marking.
    • Teacher Questioning and pupil-teacher classroom dialogue is used as an integral element of assessment. Teaching staff will adapt their curriculum to the needs of all children based on the ongoing feedback this process provides.
    • Marking is to be against clearly set lesson objectives that the children’s title will relate to.
    • Assessment for learning stickers can be used to offer children feedback in their workbooks.
    • The stickers should relate to individual/ group objectives and make appropriate use of differentiation when asking the children to respond.
    • Children of all ability groups should be challenged through marking with an emphasis on promoting progress in their scientific understanding.
    • Teachers should ensure children respond to their feedback when asked to do so.   
  • End of unit assessments assess pupils’ learning against expectations on the school’s agreed format.
  • At the end of each Science unit teachers make an assessment judgment as to whether pupils are working towards the expected standard, working at the expected standard or working at greater depth within the expected standard (more information is given in APPENDIX 4 of this policy). This information is inputted into the school’s SIMs based assessment tracker.
  • Year group/ phase teams should moderate their judgements to ensure consistency.
  • Information from assessments is used to establish progress and identify where reinforcement of concepts is needed.  This information is recorded on ‘Information for future teaching’ (See Appendix 5) sheet below the ‘End of Unit Assessment’ on the agreed format. The Science Leader monitors this whole school data and supports teachers in identifying vulnerable groups that may require additional attention and appropriate support (See Appendix 6 for example Target Children Assessment Feedback).
  • The Science Subject Leader monitors the planning and assessments. School needs for staff development, resources and assessment monitoring are linked in to the School Self-Evaluation timetable as part of the whole School Development Plan.
  • Class teachers report on pupils’ progress and attainment at parental consultations each term, as well as in their annual report to parents.
  • Evidence of pupils’ work is kept in the Science workbooks. Examples of workbooks of higher ability, middle ability, lower ability and SEND pupils are kept each year.





Science Principles

Science has a high profile in Fens Primary School. Staff are committed to providing a balanced curriculum that provides every child with high quality pathways for learning, that channel pupils’ natural curiosity for the universe around them.


In a range of ‘real life’ contexts, pupils are supported in actively investigating scientific phenomena that arise in an increasingly scientific and technological world. Pupils are encouraged to develop knowledge of scientific methods; analysing evidence and evaluating their findings.

Science is a fantastic platform that offers a range of contexts for the development of literacy, mathematics, ICT and PSHE&C. At Fens we are confident that learning and progress are at their highest levels when engagement is at its highest level. We promote pupils’ engagement by offering a wide range of practical contexts that encourage children’s application of scientific understanding both within, and beyond the classroom. Please browse our Science subject gallery for examples.

What's happening in Science?


Science Curriculum Map