What's Happening in Science?

Science Capital at Fens

Science capital is concerned with the pupil’s exposure to science beyond the classroom and with us, as teachers, noticing what scientific experiences children bring to school. We aim to build a rich environment in which children can develop and share their science capital. Trips to a variety of sites and visitors to school form a vital part of our children’s scientific experience. Our extensive school grounds offer the chance for investigations to be carried out, including the growing of plants in the school allotment and observing seasonal changes and local wildlife in our wild life garden. Our annual science week, parental showcase sessions and science competitions are further ways in which we encourage pupils to see science beyond the curriculum.


Science Ambassadors

Our Science Ambassadors have been working hard to design and create posters to illustrate our Science Principals to share with their classes.


Year 1 Science Showcase

Thank you to all our Year 1 children and parents/ grandparents for attending our Science showcase event this afternoon. It was great to see our pupils so excited to share their scientific knowledge and take part in a range of science activities with their families. We have lots of super scientists!


Year 1 Science Reading Challenge

This half term, Year 1 pupils have been completing a reading challenge to promote the “love of reading” through Science.

This aim of the reading challenge was to:

  • promote the learning of science information and ideas
  • promote interest in science
  • promote science capital
  • stimulate a lifelong science reading habit

Pupils had to read 10 science themed books (fiction or non-fiction books) and then received a certificate and prize when they completed the challenge.

There is a wide range of types of science book to cater for all interests and tastes. Here are some types of Science books you can read with your child:

  • Science information books
  • Information books
  • Fact books
  • Experiment books
  • How-to books
  • Quiz and puzzle books
  • Science-related poetry
  • Science-rich fiction



Year 6 Teeswork Skills Academy Visit

A number of our Year 6 children were invited to take part in an aspirations visit called 'My Green Future', at Teesworks Skills Academy in Middlesbrough. This was another successful aspirations event where the children had the opportunity to learn about green technologies and career pathways into this industry.


Heart Dissection

Thank you to Mrs Gillespie from High Tunstall secondary school, who delivered a fantastic heart dissection lesson to our Year 6 children today. Children had the opportunity to see, first-hand, the different parts of the heart, including all four chambers. It was brilliant to see the character our children displayed when engaging in this activity.



Year 1 children have enjoyed our topic on Animals including Humans. We have been learning to identify and name the parts of the body. We also sorted and classified animals according to mammals, reptiles, fish, birds and amphibians. We also learnt which animals are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores.


Year 5 Botanists

Our Year 5 botanists have worked practically this afternoon to learn about the parts of a flower and their functions. Excellent observational skills, Year 5!



Annual Regional STEM Lecture

A group of our Year 6 children were chosen to participate in the Annual Regional STEM Lecture at Hartlepool Borough Hall. The children enjoyed an afternoon of aspirational thinking in a community with other primary schools, local secondary schools and Further education students. We hope this has set their mind working on potential STEM based pathways in their futures.

Science Week 2022



We are proud to announce that we are part the Ogden Trust Science Partnership in Hartlepool.

Working alongside several other schools in the town- both secondary and primary- the partnership aims to develop the teaching and learning of Science, particularly Physics, through sharing best practice and supporting transition of pupils from primary to secondary and beyond. This partnership will form a key part in sharing our commitment to STEM achievement and aspirations with our wider community.

Fens Science Selfie Competition 2023

Our Science Ambassadors set the whole school a Science 'Selfie' competition in a bid to promote Science across school and within the wider community. This was a good way for children to identify what Science looks like, not just in the form of an experiment but in everyday life. Our children enjoyed taking selfies with the caption, 'This is Science because...'                                                                                                                                                
We had an amazing 125 entries!!!                                                                                                           
Here are some of our entries.